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ca. 1485
National Gallery of Art
Portrait of a Lady
Neroccio di Bartolommeo de' …
ca. 1485
National Gallery of Art
Portrait of a Lady
Neroccio di Bartolommeo de' …
ca. 1450
National Gallery of Art
Portrait of a Man
Castagno, Andrea del
ca. 1450
National Gallery of Art
Portrait of a Man
Castagno, Andrea del
ca. 1478-80
National Gallery of Art
Giuliano de' Medici
Botticelli, Sandro
ca. 1478-80
National Gallery of Art
Giuliano de' Medici
Botticelli, Sandro
ca. 1482-85
National Gallery of Art
Portrait of a Youth
Botticelli, Sandro
ca. 1482-85
National Gallery of Art
Portrait of a Youth
Botticelli, Sandro
ca. 1485
National Gallery of Art
Portrait of a Youth
Lippi, Filippino
ca. 1485
National Gallery of Art
Portrait of a Youth
Lippi, Filippino
ca. 1465-70
National Gallery of Art
Madonna and Child with Saint …
Matteo di Giovanni
ca. 1502-03
Oberlin College, Allen Memor …
The Mystic Marriage of St. C …
Peruzzi, Baldassare
ca. 1350-1375
Louvre Museum
[Jean II Le Bon (1319-1364),
Fogg Museum
St. Jerome in His Study
Matteo di Giovanni
c. 1502-1504
Baltimore Museum of Art
Emilia Pia da Montefeltro
ca. 1487-1488
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Selvaggia Sassetti (born 147 …
Ghirlandaio, Davide
ca. 1490
Fogg Museum
The Virgin and Child
Botticelli, Sandro
Cleveland Museum of Art
Panel from a Cassone: The Ra …
Toscani, Giovanni di Frances …
Cleveland Musuem of Art
A Paramount Picture
Marsh, Reginald
Cleveland Musuem of Art
A Paramount Picture
Marsh, Reginald
ca. 1440-1445
Cleveland Musuem of Art
The Adoration of the Magi
Paolo, Giovanni di
ca. 1440-1445
Cleveland Musuem of Art
The Adoration of the Magi
Paolo, Giovanni di
ca. 1430-1450
National Gallery of Art
Profile Portrait of a Young …
ca. 1430-1450
National Gallery of Art
Profile Portrait of a Young …
ca. 1668
Cleveland Museum of Art
Esther, Ahasuerus, and Haman
Steen, Jan
Cleveland Museum of Art
Panel from a Cassone: The Ra …
Toscani, Giovanni di Frances …
Cleveland Museum of Art
Panel from a Cassone: The Ra …
Toscani, Giovanni di Frances …
ca. 1310-1315
National Gallery of Art
Madonna and Child
ca. 1310-1315
National Gallery of Art
Madonna and Child
ca. 1310-1315
National Gallery of Art
Madonna and Child
ca. 1310-1315
National Gallery of Art
Madonna and Child
ca. 1423/1424
National Gallery of Art
The Annunciation
ca. 1423/1424
National Gallery of Art
The Annunciation
ca. 1423/1424
National Gallery of Art
The Annunciation
ca. 1520
Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie
Ecce Homo
unknown Silesian
ca. 1520
Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie
Ecce Homo
unknown Silesian
ca. 1520
Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie
Ecce Homo
unknown Silesian
ca. 1481-82
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Portrait of a Man
Rosselli, Cosimo
early 1480s
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Madonna and Child with Two A …
Rosselli, Cosimo
ca. 1449
Metropolitan Museum of Art
The Triumph of Fame; (revers …
Metropolitan Museum of Art
The Coronation of the Virgin …
Fei, Paolo di Giovanni
ca. 1325-1330
Fogg Museum
The Stigmatization of St. Fr …
Gaddi, Taddeo
ca. 1285
Private collection
The Crucifixion with Saint F …
Jacopino da Reggio
ca. 1440
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Madonna and Child Enthroned …
Lippi, Filippo
ca. 1275
Currier Museum of Art
The Madonn and Child with Tw …
Meliore di Jacopo
after 1342
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Saint Catherine of Alexandri …
Lorenzetti, Pietro
ca. 1488
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Francesco Sassetti (1421-149 …
Ghirlandaio, Domenico
ca. 1487-1488
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Selvaggia Sassetti (born 147 …
Ghirlandaio, Davide
ca. 1450 - 1455
Detroit Institute of Arts
Annunciatory Angel and Virgi …
Angelico, Fra
ca. 1410
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Madonna and Child with Angel …
Gentile da Fabriano