Accession number:
Collection Name:
UMass Archaeological Services Bottle Collection
Site name:
Greenbush Line Restoration Project
Complex title:
Greenbush Line
Site date:
19th and 20th century
Modern location:
Cohasset, Massachusetts
UMAS identifier:
UM470 - 3.734
Artifact name:
milk of magnesia
Artifact function:
Artifact form:
Artifact material:
glass and metal
Commercial mark description:
cursive "H"
Commercial mark description:
Chas H Phillips chemical co.
Image view description:
Embossing on lower body of bottle
Artifact condition:
intact with bottle cap
Seam locations:
two on either side running from base to neck
Embossing description:
descriptor; maker's mark, date, company, and country made in
Embossing location:
front and base
Artifact color:
Cobalt blue
Bottle finish type:
external thread
Bottle closure type:
threaded metal cap
Pontil scar presence:
Manufacturing techniques:
Artifact date:
20th century
Artifact terminus ante quem:
Artifact repository:
UMass Archaeology Services
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)